We are happy to help you with any questions you might have.
Phone number for Norwegian customers is (+47) 23 17 23 50. Opening hours are all working days: 08: 00-to 16:00.
Phone number for Swedish customers is (+46) 10 410 61 00. Opening hours are all working days: 08: 00-to 17:00.
How can we help you?
Choose the department to receive your inquiry in the form below. If you are unsure, choose general inqury.
Frequently asked questions
How do I reset my iPhone, iPad or iPod touch?
Information on how to securely erase information on an Apple product can be found by clicking here.
Do you have delivery information or tracking number on my order?
An order confirmation has been sent to you by email if you provided your email address when you ordered. You will receive a delivery note / delivery confirmation with tracking information by email when the item is sent from our distributor.
For our Origo and online store customers, you will find orders and tracking information in the Origo portal or online store.
If you cannot find the information you need, we will be happy to assist you. Please fill out the contact form above.
Can I pick up the order physically in your office?
We use direct delivery of all goods from distributor to end user. It is therefore not possible to pick up goods at Techstep's premises.