Share information
Techstep ASA is a Norwegian publicly listed company, with tax residency in Norway and established under Norwegian laws. The company is listed on Oslo Stock Exchange (OSE). Techstep has one class of shares, which all carry the same rights.
Company: Techstep ASA
Org. number: 977 037 093
ISIN: NO0012916131
Ticker: TECH
For more information about Techstep at Oslo Stock Exchange, please click here.

Analyst coverage
Arctic Securities
Henriette Trondsen
Phone : +47 21 01 32 84
Kristian Spetalen
Phone : +47 95 10 08 87
E-mail :
Please note that any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding Techstep’s performance made by these analysts are theirs alone and do not represent opinions, forecasts or predictions of Techstep or its management. Techstep does not by reference or distribution endorse or concur with such information, conclusions or recommendations.

Dividend policy
As of today, Techstep has not distributed any dividend on the company’s shares, and it does not expect to pay any dividend for the company in the coming years. Techstep’s intention is to retain future earnings to finance operations and expand the business. Any future decision to pay a dividend will depend on the company’s financial position, operating profit and capital requirements, complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings.

Primary insiders
Companies listed on Oslo Børs have an obligation to keep updated lists of primary insiders. Techstep defines its board of directors, management and those responsible for financial administration, finance and legal matters, as well as its auditor, as primary insiders for the company.
Primary insiders:
Please click here
Mandatory notifications of trade:
Please click here

Registrar & Auditor
If you have any questions regarding your holding of Techstep shares, please contact our registrar:
Issuer Services
Phone: +47 23 26 80 20
Techstep ASA is audited by:
PricewaterhouseCoopers AS
Dronning Eufemias gate 71
0194 Oslo, Norway
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