Brand guide / Design System


Color is used to evoke emotion and express our personality, increasing the ability for people to quickly identify us and build an association with our brand.

Logo colours


Wine Red

Hex: #8D193E
RGB: 141, 25, 62
CMYK: 0, 82, 56, 45
PMS: 208c



Hex: #25282A
RGB: 37 40 42
CMYK: 77 64 58 72
PMS: 440c 



Core accent colours

Accent colours represent our brand's personality and energy. These should be used sparingly to highlight important elements such as buttons, links, and icons, ensuring they stand out without overwhelming the design.

  • Use the main brand colour (Wine Red) for the most prominent call-to-action elements or focal points.
  • Combine accent colours thoughtfully to maintain visual harmony and avoid overwhelming layouts.

Wine Red

Hex: #8D193E
RGB: 141, 25, 62
CMYK: 0, 82, 56, 45
PMS: 208c


Egyptian Blue

Hex: #24318F
RGB: 36, 49, 143
CMYK: 75, 66, 0, 44
PMS: 2746 C



Neon Blue

Hex: #5863F8
RGB: 88, 99, 248
CMYK: 65, 60, 0, 3




Hex: #A7ADF8
RGB: 167, 173, 248
CMYK: 33, 30, 0, 3
PMS: 2716 C




RGB: 218, 220, 250
CMYK: 13, 12, 0, 2


Core background colours

Background colours create the foundation for our visual identity, ensuring clarity and readability. These colours should provide a clean canvas for text and graphics.

  • Stick to light background colours for easy readability.
  • Core accent and supporting colours can be used sparingly as background to highlight key areas or add variety, such as in ads. Use them selectively to maintain visual harmony and avoid overwhelming the viewer.
  • Avoid using multiple background colours in one section unless creating specific visual segmentation.

Pure White

RGB: 255, 255, 255
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0
PMS: Pure brilliant white

Alice Blue

Hex: #F1F5F9
RGB: 241, 245, 249
CMYK: 3, 2, 0, 2


Pajama Stripes

Hex: #F8FAFC
RGB: 248, 250, 252
CMYK: 2, 1, 0, 1


Ghost White

Hex: #E0E5EC
RGB: 224, 229, 236
CMYK: 5, 3, 0, 7

Core text colours

Text colours are designed for readability and hierarchy. Use them to convey information clearly while ensuring contrast with the background.

  • Night Blue is the primary text colour for headings and body text.
  • Rhythm and Light Slate Grey are secondary and tertiary text colours for less prominent content.
  • Highlighting Text: When emphasizing keywords or phrases, you may use an accent colour sparingly to draw attention while maintaining contrast and accessibility.
  • On Dark Backgrounds: Use Pure White text when placing text over darker backgrounds to ensure strong contrast and optimal legibility.
Main text

Night Blue

Hex: #0C0042
RGB: 12, 0, 66
CMYK: 82, 100, 0, 74

2nd hierarchy text

Black Coral

Hex: #516073
RGB: 81, 96, 115
CMYK: 30, 17, 0, 55

3rd hierarchy text

Light Slate Grey

Hex: #74859C
RGB: 116, 133, 156
CMYK: 26, 15, 0, 39

Text on dark background

Pure White

RGB: 255, 255, 255
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0
PMS: Pure brilliant white

Supporting colours

Supporting colours are additional options for creative purposes, used sparingly to complement the core palette. These are ideal for secondary visual elements like charts, infographics, or backgrounds in less formal contexts.

  • Always ensure the supporting colours align with the brand’s aesthetic and avoid mixing them excessively in one design.


Hex: #FA851A
RGB: 250, 134, 26
CMYK: 0, 46, 90, 2


Deep Orange

Hex: #FE9D47
RGB: 254, 157, 71
CMYK: 0, 38, 72, 0



Hex: #FFC698
RGB: 255, 198, 152
CMYK: 0, 22, 40, 0



Hex: #FFE5D4
RGB: 255, 229, 212
CMYK: 0, 10, 17, 0


Dodger Blue

Hex: #1593F4
RGB: 21, 147, 244
CMYK: 91, 40, 0, 4


Fresh Blue

Hex: #0AB9FF
RGB: 10, 185, 255
CMYK: 96, 27, 0, 0


Columbia Blue

Hex: #95D6FB
RGB: 149, 214, 251
CMYK: 41, 15, 0, 2


Light Cyan

RGB: 204, 237, 255
CMYK: 20, 7, 0, 0


Mountain Meadow

Hex: #14B582
RGB: 20, 181, 130
CMYK: 89, 0, 28, 29



Hex: #49CAA1
RGB: 73, 202, 161
CMYK: 64, 0, 20, 21



Hex: #88EAC9
RGB: 136, 234, 201
CMYK: 42, 0, 14, 8


Mint Chiffon

Hex: #D7FBE7
RGB: 215, 251, 231
CMYK: 14, 0, 8, 2



Hex: #C12338
RGB: 193, 35, 56
CMYK: 0, 82, 71, 24


Rose Red

Hex: #F04159
RGB: 240, 65, 89
CMYK: 0, 73, 63, 6



Hex: #FFA0AD
RGB: 255, 160, 173
CMYK: 0, 37, 32, 0


Carousel Pink

Hex: #FFDCE1
RGB: 255, 220, 225
CMYK: 0, 14, 12, 0

Tips on colour use


  • Use Pure White or Alice Blue as primary backgrounds to achieve a professional and clean appearance.
  • Stick to Night Blue for primary text to maintain readability.
  • Establish text hierarchy using Black Coral and Light Slate Grey, and use accent colours to emphasise key text.
  • Use mainly either Wine Red or Neon Blue colours for CTA buttons.

  • Incorporate light gradient backgrounds to add variety and depth.
  • Always make sure that text and call-to-action elements are easy to read on these backgrounds.

  • Core accent and supporting colours can be used sparingly to highlight key areas or add emphasis, such as in call-to-action modules or advertisements. Use them selectively to maintain visual harmony and avoid overwhelming the viewer.

Colour combinations


  • A good color combination balances contrast and harmony, aligns with brand identity, and ensures accessibility and readability.
  • If you're unsure about combining accent colors, a safe approach is to stick to a single color palette, complemented by Whites and Night Blue. See the example below featuring the Neon Blue color palette.

  • Bad color combinations are those that lack contrast, clash harshly, overuse accents, ignore brand identity, compromise accessibility, pair dark shades together excessively, or overdo vibrant colors, leading to visual strain and unreadability.