In an age of rapid technological advancement, the public sector faces a vital challenge: embracing digital transformation to improve citizen services. Mobile technology, in particular, plays an important role in unlocking heighten efficiency and accessibility. However, the path towards digitalising the public sector is filled with challenges that demands meticulous consideration and strategic solutions.
A Diverse Set of RolesThe public sector, when viewed through the lens of job performance, is far from a homogeneous group. Consisting of millions of employees, it includes various roles – from office, hybrid, and frontline jobs dedicated to serving the public across different functions. In the office worker segment, roles span from customer service agents primarily handling desk-based tasks to hybrid positions, including teachers, management roles in education, and various positions within healthcare, police, customs, etc. These professionals operate both from behind a desk and in the field. The public sector includes a large group of frontline or deskless workers who have never been tethered to desks and often lack technological tools to support their work. It's not uncommon for a group of frontline workers to share a single PC for administrative or informational purposes. Nurses and medical assistants working in elder care serve as prime examples of this workforce. Given the huge diversity of roles within the public sector and the countless critical tasks that demand attention, the challenge of digitising workloads and equipping the workforce with mobile technology tools is vast. This challenge is especially serious as societies are confronted with the needs of a growing elderly population and the expectations of digitally native individuals entering the workforce. This article highlights mobile technology challenges and recommendations, providing a macro perspective on the steps needed to effectively implement and expand mobile and digital working methods in the public sector.
ChallengesThe usage of mobile technology in the public sector is not a one-size-fits-all scenario, as different roles, tasks, age demographics, and a diverse array of business systems present a broad set of challenges. These challenges span from technology to user experience, collectively shaping the adoption of new mobile working methods.
RecommendationsDo not underestimate the complexity of equipping the public sector workforce with mobile devices and digital ways of working. Simply treating mobile devices like office supplies and solely focusing on their price is a common mistake. Implementing new digital work methods supported by mobile devices requires a broader and more strategic approach. Below, we’ve outlined a three-step approach for successfully onboarding and scaling mobile and digital ways of working within the public sector.
Step 1 – Create and Document a Plan
Read more: Download or Mobile Policy Template to get started
Step 2 – Get the Fundamentals in Place
Step 3 – Invest in User Adaptation
ConclusionIn summary, tackling the challenges of integrating mobile technology into the public sector is no small feat. By prioritising mobile technology investments and by adopting a comprehensive approach that links all the components in the ecosystem, these challenges can be mitigated. Without a clear mobile strategy, policies that guide implementation in the mobile tech ecosystem, and involving the users, there's a great risk that digitalisation projects might hit roadblocks. This can affect estimated productivity gains and weaken return on investment calculations. |
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